Version 1.2 released

Talk fashion quality backed by real data

Responsible brands sell clothing that lives on. Our solution empower brands to monitor customer resale, communicate CO2-savings, and track upcoming trends in second-hand markets. All backed by real data from resale platforms.


SecondSale is a platform for tracking resale and CO2-savings for fashion brands


Reduce your carbon footprint by counting resale of your items

The lifetime use of clothing is extended when consumers resell it for others to use. Adding this together can reduce your brands' carbon footprint by a lot.

20-30% reduction

Extending the active life of apparel by 9 months would reduce carbon, water and waste footprint by 20–30%
Valuing our clothes: the cost of U.K. fashion, WRAP (2017)

47% reduction

For certain items and usages resale reduces carbon footprint by 47% compared to a linear business model
Ellen MacArthur Foundation, Circular business models: redefining growth for a thriving fashion industry (2021)


A detailed overview of your CO2-savings from resale

Learn how often your items are resold on multiple second-hand platforms, and how much that amounts to in carbon emission savings.

With this insight you can count the impact of resale against your total carbon emissions, communicate without greenwashing, encourage consumers to resell, and improve your brands sustainability profile.

COMING SOON: Trend analysis

Go beyond CSR to monitor brand value and upcoming trends

Learn what styles resell, how fast and for how much. From your brand and follow specific styles and trends.

Go beyond styles to track your brand value in the second-hand markets too. We making it easy to follow based on prices, flow and profiles of buyers and sellers.

HOW IT works

One dashboard to make sense of your resale sustainability impact

SecondSale partner with fashion resale platforms and third party life cycle assessment (LCA) experts to provide unparalleled sustainability insights to brands.

We gather, analyse and enrich real data from sellers and buyers on fashion resale platforms. What you see is one dashboard to make sense of it all.

Set targets and count resale savings against total CO2-emissions

Reports with results tailored to you to insert directly into CSR reports or annual statements

Add additional information about your supply chain to increase the accuracy of CO2-savings


Don’t take our word for it, brands are awaiting resale insights

We can't wait too learn how our brand and items perform in resale markets through SecondSale's platform

Head of CSR at mid-sized Danish fashion brand

This is exactly the type of tool and information we need to track and encourage our community to resell

Head of CSR at Danish children's brand

SecondSale can help us encourage our community to shop more responsible, that's exciting for us

Head of Marketing at mid-sized Danish fashion brand


We work with LCA providers too for best-in-class CO2 assessments from resale

Jeans, shirts and knitwear have all a very different sustainability impact. Production methods, material mix and place of production impacts greatly. To get accurate about CO2-savings we integrate to use their third party life cycle assessment (LCA) providers expertise, without the need for your brand to undergo an LCA study.

However, you can input a range of production key data points with us for a more accurate assessment. Finally, we use a range of methods and available data to estimate your brands resale from other mediums (e.g. flea markets, charities, etc.) to provide a total estimate, and plan to publish these methods publicly.

Ready to embrace resale as part of your brands' CSR?

1-55 employees

Live dashboard

Filter resale impact by items

Calculate total CO2-savings from resale

Monitor post-sales brand value

Customised reports

Trend Analyser (forthcoming)

1.000 €
Yearly, ex-VAT

55+ employees

Same great features set

Talk with sales